You are a Manager and your enterprise is located in the Caribbean (Barbados, Saint Vincent …), in Canada or the United States and you want to offer to a student the opportunity to develop his/her professional plan.

Our organization called A.C.E.L (Caribbean Language Exchanges Association) goes with the students from Martinique (F.W.I) to help them to succeed their studies, discover the economical realities into a internship period inside an enterprise and maybe find a job abroad.

Whatever your activity field (tourism, advertisement, sale, marketing, IT …), if you can propose an internship offer so please fill in the form below and send it. One of our advisers will contact you to confirm your proposal. You could have many advantages to recruit a trainee. Indeed, you will take advantage of his/her knowledge which could be profitable to your business expansion. The application from the theoretical to your enterprise’s reality could help you to reach your aims.


Name of the enterprise:
Number of permanent employees :
Activity field :
Address :
City town :
ZIP/Postal code :
Country :


Last name and First name :
Position :
Business phone :
E-mail address :


The internship field :
Post :
City town :
Duration :
Start date (month – year) :
Compensation :
Number of interns required :
Knowledge required (trainee profile) :
Tasks description :

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Voyage scolaire éducatif 5

31 mars 201731 mars 2017
Départ du 05 au 12 Avril 2017 à Barbade avec la section européenne du Collège Paul Symphor du Robert.

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Départ du 25 Mars au 1er Avril 2015 à Saint Vincent avec le Collège Paul Symphor du Robert sur le thème du Developpement durable.

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